
You had a great night out, but the morning after? Not so much. Drinking too much alcohol can leave you with a hangover and unpleasant symptoms like nausea, headaches, and irritability.

Hangovers can affect anyone, whether you had one drink or several, as everyone's body reacts differently. Depending on the type and amount of alcohol consumed, hangover symptoms can last for hours or even an entire day, making it hard to function. IV Therapy in the comfort of your home with N-Fusion Wellness can turn your day around in a matter of an hour!

Suggested IV Cocktail:

Myers Cocktail with Zofran (nausea medication) and Toradol (pain medication) add-ins


Go all-in with the Exorcism. The Ultimate Myers plus 2 doses of Zofran, Toradol, Pepcid, and Benadryl

Mobile IV Therapy:

Powered by

Myers Cocktail

$235 205

Our most popular IV package. This classic provides relief for all that ails you with 6 vitamins and minerals— all for a great low price! Vitamin C, B-complex, B12, Zinc, Glutathione, and Magnesium for treating symptoms of a variety of issues, including:

  • Hangovers

  • Nausea

  • Fatigue

  • Colds and flu

  • Dehydration

  • Altitude sickness

  • Migraines

Ultimate Myers Cocktail


Same ingredients and benefits of the Myers Cocktail, but with 5x the vitamin C and 5x the Glutathione. This packs a powerful antioxidant punch for combating inflammation, especially with viral illness, hangovers, and chronic inflammatory diseases.

The Exorcism


Get the demons out! This IV package is perfect for a wicked stomach bug, hangover, or migraine headache!

Myers Cocktail (B Complex, Zinc, B12, Vitamin C, Magnesium, and Glutathione)
+ Toradol
+ 2 Doses of Zofran
+ Pepcid
+ Benadryl
+ 5x Glutathione (1000mg total)
+ 5x Dose Vitamin C (5000mg total)

Immune IV


Experience the benefits of IV therapy for the immune system. Whether you are battling a cold, flu, or COVID-19, a healthy immune system can get you through illness faster. This package currently includes:

+ 1000cc of Saline
+ 5,000mg of Vitamin C
+ Zinc
+ Vitamin D Intra-muscular Injection



NAD+ is a powerful Co-Enzyme in the cell with over 500 cellular functions

  • Helps overcome fatigue

  • Maximizes brain function 

  • Aids with cell regeneration

  • Useful for Addiction Recovery

  • Helps manage inflammation

The Extreme Wellness

This is the best of the best in wellness!

Myers Cocktail (B Complex, Zinc, B12, Vitamin C, Magnesium, and Glutathione)
+ 5x Glutathione (1000mg total)
+ 5x Dose Vitamin C (5000mg total)

+500mg NAD+!!!

Ready to N-Fuse?