Mobile IV Therapy:

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Myers Cocktail

$235 205

Our most popular IV package. This classic provides relief for all that ails you with 6 vitamins and minerals— all for a great low price! Vitamin C, B-complex, B12, Zinc, Glutathione, and Magnesium for treating symptoms of a variety of issues, including:

  • Hangovers

  • Nausea

  • Fatigue

  • Colds and flu

  • Dehydration

  • Altitude sickness

  • Migraines

Ultimate Myers Cocktail


Same ingredients and benefits of the Myers Cocktail, but with 5x the vitamin C and 5x the Glutathione. This packs a powerful antioxidant punch for combating inflammation, especially with viral illness, hangovers, and chronic inflammatory diseases.

The Exorcism


Get the demons out! This IV package is perfect for a wicked stomach bug, hangover, or migraine headache!

Myers Cocktail (B Complex, Zinc, B12, Vitamin C, Magnesium, and Glutathione)
+ Toradol
+ 2 Doses of Zofran
+ Pepcid
+ Benadryl
+ 5x Glutathione (1000mg total)
+ 5x Dose Vitamin C (5000mg total)

Immune IV


Experience the benefits of IV therapy for the immune system. Whether you are battling a cold, flu, or COVID-19, a healthy immune system can get you through illness faster. This package currently includes:

+ 1000cc of Saline
+ 5,000mg of Vitamin C
+ Zinc
+ Vitamin D Intra-muscular Injection



NAD+ is a powerful Co-Enzyme in the cell with over 500 cellular functions

  • Helps overcome fatigue

  • Maximizes brain function 

  • Aids with cell regeneration

  • Useful for Addiction Recovery

  • Helps manage inflammation

The Extreme Wellness

This is the best of the best in wellness!

Myers Cocktail (B Complex, Zinc, B12, Vitamin C, Magnesium, and Glutathione)
+ 5x Glutathione (1000mg total)
+ 5x Dose Vitamin C (5000mg total)

+500mg NAD+!!!

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